Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Please, please

I think the real reason that the Repugs are pissed off at Obama, is that He got elected before they got a chance to Destroy the economic structure of the US. Without Dem intervention it would have continued to tank and, I'm afraid that was their plan.
Steal every last penny from the middle class, then they'd impose their unique style of Socialism (Indentured slavery) on all of us and they'd get a huge influx into the Military to fight their WARS, the only US export we have left.
The economy is actually starting to turn around and all they can say is, "Is not!"
Now it's time to get some real healthcare change going and put the country back into the hands of the people. With the country and their futures in their hands the people won't have any room or any need for guns in their hands

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Archived Outrage

Let me get this straight. Nixon goes to China, makes up for his being the worst (at the time) President in forever. Clinton goes to N Korea, gets 2 American Journalists released and somehow he's destroyed US foriegn relations. Why do they still put Bolton and Buchanan on TV? Are they afraid they'll lose the "Yosemite Sam" demographic?

Well we've finally dumbed-down the country to the point where the movie "Idiocracy" was a wild-eyed-optimistic-vision-of-the-future. We've traded in discussion and debate for Ultimate Fighting with fat, ugly people.

I just got back from the Stout St Clinic (Colo Coalition for The Homeless) where DeGette and Pelosi will be today. They're Shoring up to be protected from the astroturf protesters. I'm afraid that one of these MORONS will pull one of their conceal-carry guns and start shooting. Over Healthcare!! They'll probably sue the victim over getting blood all over their pretty bullets. I'm sick to the soul. Please Stop. Enough.

I'm done with outrage for the day. Everyone strip naked. We'll either all be too revolted, too amused or too turned-on to fight.