Thursday, September 17, 2009


I'm just sick to my soul.

Lots to do out there and so much of it would be pretty easy with a little cooperation. The Planet's isn't fragile, but we are. Earth is gonna survive as soon as it takes care of the viruses and parasites that are killing it's livable surface; us.

There are lots of solutions and, like I said many are simple.

I understand and I sympathize with the people who just don't know about what's going wrong and how to make it right. However, there's a special place in hell (if they believe in it, like they claim they do,) for the leaders who are in a position to enlighten these people with the TRUTH and yet they choose to fill them with willful lies to further their own agenda (usually money or power).

When The Police sang, "I hope the Russians love their Children Too." they never considered the greed and corruption of the Corporate Politicians. Gimme, my money now, and screw the world (Often in the name of Jesus).

They did it with the the mortgages and the stock market, they're doing it with the environment, and they SO VERY MUCH want to do it with Healthcare.Let's try not to let them.

I'll be the first to admit that I like money too.

But not to the detriment of my soul.