Tuesday, July 6, 2010


There is no reason whatsoever for any toilet paper to be made from virgin paper. There is an enormous supply of recycled material, and it's to wipe your ass and flush or throw down the toilet!
Companies that make 100% post-consumer-content recycled TP should get some kind of monetary compensation, and those who don't should be disincentivised, perhaps an additional tax? A Luxury Butt-Wipe tax.
Likewise, there is no reason that all porta-potty waste isn't being composted.
Let's get to work on that.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Our Cosmo, Part 1

As part of my down-time while job-hunting, I have committed to doing volunteer work.
I think if anyone is truthful with themselves, they will tell you the best feelings you can get is when you help out someone or something that isn't yourself.

Good example: Several years back, my wife experienced a small professional educational setback, so, since she wouldn't be leaving for training at Harvard (I know, right?) we decided to get a dog. We'd wanted one for a long time and when a window closes--- a doggie-door opens.

Since we live downtown in a condo, Collene did some research into breeds that are well suited to that kind of living. Oddly enough, they were not well-to-do, middle class, upwardly mobile yuppie dogs. First on the list were the Bichon Frise, a small to medium sized breed which are known for their hypo-allergenic hair (not fur), their intelligence and their friendly, playful, cuddly nature.
In the Olden-Days-of-Yore ( WTF is yore?) The Bichon Frise were prized by Seafaring men and Circuses because they were easily trained, natural performers and wonderful companions. Hell, Sailors would give them as gifts (payment) to their "girlfriends" when they got to port and wanted to get a little somethin'-somethin'. Exchanging some doggie for some...

Due diligence done, we began to check all the rescue shelters in our area and at Max Fund found the cutest little, scrawny, borderline-sickly, ten-year-old little guy. His owner had gotten too old and feeble to take care of him and that is how we met Cosmo. In our liberal largesse, we reached out to save this poor little victim, and ended up saving me.

More later.....

Today is the first day of the BEST of my life.

Today is the Fourth of July. Independence Day. Independant's Day. Also the end of my first week without a job. Not having that job is probably for the best, but not having A JOB is a little disconcerting. I know that there is a perfect job out there for me and my bag of diverse and unusual skills. In the meantime I'll be documenting the journey here. Wish me luck.