Wednesday, November 24, 2010

TSA Sreenings.

The point isn't that it's bad. The point is how many freedoms are you willing to give up to feed the fear machine? Thousands of people die from lack of health care everyday, yet people seem opposed to use any taxpayer money to alleviate that. Smoking kills millions, automobiles kill thousands, cancer kill millions. Life is scary and dangerous. Do we lock ourselves in our homes and pay half of our income to Halliburton or Accu-Underwear, Inc. to tell us they'll make the boogie-man go away? Bin Laden's stated goal was to frighten the American people and take us down financially. I'd say he's been amazingly successful and we've helped him along every step of the way. (BTW the hyperbole was for comedic effect, it's what I do.) There's got to be a smarter way, but this country no longer has any interest in being "smarter", just more frightened. Throwing money at fear is simply stupid. Letting minimum-wage TSA employees "keep us safe" is laughable.

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