Friday, June 26, 2009

Head Spinning

It's just amazing. We need a whole new word. Hypocrisy doesn't even come close. HYPO-pocrisy?

You buy us (Congress) the single-payer healthcare that we loooove. But no way in hell are we gonna give you the same thing.

A Public Option? That would be competition for the insurance Giants, but we don't want competition in the open market that we are always espousing.

Gays getting married would weaken "traditional marriage" but a high profile affair on the taxpayer's dime will make their marriages stronger.

Pardon my French, but "We get single-payer pussy but it's too good for you. If a Democrat does it, it will destroy the Nation but if a Bible-thumpin-super-judgemental-ultra-christian-promise-keeper wants to get a little strange, No Problemo." WWJF?

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