Thursday, July 9, 2009

Random Thoughts (I still get em')

I suppose that if I keep paying attention to all the bu11sh1t, I'll become just as crazy as the rest of the world. Meditate. "Be still and know that I am god"

The republic(an)s currently hold places 1-10 in the Pillsbury Whacko-Off. When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro. (HSThompson)

Astronomy students can learn from Palin. Supernova, implosion, Black Hole.

Happy Independence Day! Remember the freedoms our brave soldiers fought for. The freedom for Goldman Sachs to rob the American people blind. (Or substitute Chase, Haliburton, Universal Health, Big Pharma, etc.) The freedom to have ALL of your corespondence monitored, and the freedom to start wars for no reason and torture people while telling the rest of the world what to do because we're moral. Peace

Wow. The future of the Republic Party has: Gone hiking in the bush in Argentina and gone running for the Mt McKinleys, to affect change from "outside the government". All that's left are Newt, McCain (where's my pudding), Gingrich, that Orange Guy, and Napolean Dynamite Cantor. Maybe Jindal will win on a game show and turn it all around.

One person can make a difference. One thought can make a difference. So, the thought of the day: Stop thinking once in a while.

Watching O'Reilly Rave about Al Franken is like sitting in the front row at a Gallagher show. When his head blows up,you'd better be covered by a tarp so you're not all covered with sh*t.

7 out of 10 republicans STILL say they'd vote for Sarah Palin in 2012. There are still 10 republicans?

When I took my dogs out this morning, they walk up to me and offer their necks for me to put on their leashes.Most natural thing in the world. I had a sad thought. Was (is) this the way people are conditioned in slavery? Happy thought: you can't chain anyone's mind. Peace

Thursday is Prince Spaghetti day and time to bike to work. Thinking about quitting my job to teach others not to be quitters, then off to hike the Appalgentinian trail to teach family values, then maybe off to a men's room in an airport to s*ck a d*ck to show my disapproval of the Gay-lifestyle, then some Prayin' to cure the "Racism" of MJ and Sotomayor. Then the sleep of the righteous.

Okay, I tried to ignore the stupid people and they didn't go away. Now What?

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