Monday, July 27, 2009


I feel sad for America. Really sad. Especially for the people who profess to be Christians and yet they follow the teachings of the ultra capitalists. We used to be so much better than this.

I was raised Christian (Catholic) and went to Catholic schools for 12 years of my education. And there I learned about Jesus and his teachings. He seemed, to me, to be a humble, un-imposing, likable guy who was loved by many. And he loved many. He hung out with the whores and the lepers and the poor and the folks out on the fringes of life. As a matter of fact, I can’t remember anyone that Jesus didn’t love. Seemed like the type of guy that I’d like to hang out with.

I do remember some of the things that Jesus didn’t love, though. He really didn’t love when people wouldn’t help others. He talked about it a lot. He thought that all people had an obligation to help those who were less fortunate than you were. He said that was the route to heaven.
Boy, oh boy, did he not love the rich. He explained how difficult it would be for them to get into heaven, presumably because of the fact that they shirked their obligation to help those less fortunate then them, which would have been basically everyone. He singled out the rich guys who made a big display of praying in public, (everyone look at how holy I am, I’m a member of the C Street club!) because he knew that the one’s who carried on like that where the ones who had no respect for the lord. It was all for show. The real work of the lord is in the doing, the helping.

The only time Jesus went nuts was when the money changers (you know like the banks today) used the temple to conduct business, thereby tacitly implying that your doing business with them, was linked to religion. He sort of made the case that it was not.
The one thing, the biggest thing, he hated was greed. How can I explain greed? The love of money (profit) over people.

For example, let’s say, your job is a lifeguard at a pool. You’re supposed to watch over the people swimming and help them. In return you get paid from the fees that the people pay to use the pool. They agreed, you agreed, everyone’s happy. Now, this company approaches you that has developed a cool new drowning resuscitation machine, that can bring people back from the dead once they’ve drowned for an additional cost direct to the person treated. It is a great boon to the people who accidentally drown. This company approaches you and says, “In order for us to make a profit and to be able to charge more for the use of our machine, we have to demonstrate how it works on a certain number of occasions. The more the better. All you have to do, is not do your job quite so well for a period of time, allowing more “accidental” drownings. We’ll pay you a hundred thousand bucks.”

This offer is an example of Greed. Accepting this offer is an example of Greed. This is how America has been run ever since Regan. See Big Pharma. See Big Oil. See Halliburton. See United Healthcare. See Wall Street. See Congress. Don’t be expecting to see any of these people in heaven.

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