Thursday, July 16, 2009

Random stupid jokes

can't even think the word "Kundalini" without giggling inside a little. It sounds like pasta in the shape of...?

Why don't the homeless use those shopping carts with the little vehicle on the front for kids, that way they'd have a car to sleep in.

I'm gonna become an insult comic and call myself "The Burn Unit"

My colonoscopy was sucessful. They removed 3 Roves and a Cheney. Sure, it hurts but I smell MUCH better.

The Buddha walks up to a tofu-dog vendor and says, "Make me ONE WITH EVERYTHING" "Wait, hold the green peppers, they give me the gas.

I just saw a beautiful Barnacle. A face that lunched a thousand ships.

All I need to know is: How did Sotomayor rule on Portia deRossi?

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