Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Another Day, Another Three-fiddy.

I'm just a couple of days behind. Still trying to do two or three things at once. I believe the youngsters call it multi-tasking.

Therfore and Whereas, I will continue to try and get the Pedro's Planet message out: Try to do all you can to improve the planet's chances of survival and I'll be there to assist you in making the recycling part easy. To that purpose I went to the Colorado Coalition for the Homeless "Bridges" to pick up a bunch of cardboard from Erica Winslow. That's a bunch more that's NOT going into the landfill. If we throw stuff into the landfill, the terrorists have won.

This (Monday) evening I went to an open house at the Wellington Webb building (City and County of Denver) for the OED ( Office of Economic Development) Small Business Assistance thingee. Very nice.

Please enjoy this lovely Video.
Thank you, Enjoy your dinners.

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