Monday, May 18, 2009

Sabado y Domingo

Oh, well. The Best laid plans and all like that... I gotr started with my worm bins but realized that I didn't have all the materials that I needed so I paused in mid-stream. Once I do get them built, then I have to get worms and it's pretty difficult. Ah the good old days, when you could get worms merely by eating tainted pork. Back to the worms later.

The Big Man (Biggles) and I took a walk on Saturday morning and decided to check out a new route. The weather was a little misty/drizzely and we wandered down to the creek bottom where they are putting some HUGE (20 in. I.D.) pipe that I have to assume is for communications. Back out of the creek by the country club and through the country club neighborhood. Conspicuous Consumption Junction. Range Rovers, BMW, Mrecedes, Porsche SUV's for god's sake,
not an American car to be seen. That's how the Rich support US industry. Unfortunately, I guess it's up to the middle class, (another species soon to be added to the endangered list) to try to get america back on its feet.

The boy and I took a couple of laps around Cheeseman and headed home after about 5 Miles. I will soon get rid of my Tweedle-Dumber figure (I hope).

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