Thursday, May 21, 2009

Catch Up

Since its Thursday, I'll try to get tuesday and wednesday covered now so's I can pretend that I'm current.

I realized on Tuesday when I got to work at 7-ish, that I had a meeting of the GSBA at 8. Just general talk of the Stapelton Recycling Drive on June 30th. Last year we collected 24,000 pounds of E-waste recycling. Suck it, Executive Recycling!(they were the poster child for 60 Minutes this year) Maybe we'll see you there. Look for the Pedro's Planet truck.

While at that meeting I realized that there was a meeting downtown at the City, Re: working with the city. I buzzed down there and got my fill of bureaucratic employee-ese. We'll see how valuable that is in future.

Brush fires, emergencies and just plain, "oops, I forgots" filled the rest of the day. Since I'm sorta the face of office recycling the message leaks out everytime I'm at one of these events. Not exactly celebrity but, hey, whatever.

Wednesday. Again with the Brush fires. I had to drive way down south. I was so far south that they were speaking Portugese. Yuk, yuk. Ordered my worms today. Oooh, I'm so excited. It's like waiting for Santa only less red-suit quasi-christian and more, um, wormy. Yum.

Watched "Fast Food Nation" last night and I think I'll probably gag every time I look at a burger from now on. Ahh, with age comes wisdom. And Nausea.

Tomorrow I drive Pete's route while he enjoys the splendifitude of Yellowstone National Park. Don't drink the yellow geyser water.

I've got two quarters a nickel and three pennies. Change I can believe in.

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