Thursday, May 14, 2009

Another Day on the Mud-ball

Lots of pessimism in the media on the economic and climate change front, but I'm opptomistic because I've met sooo many people lately that are not just commited but borderline obsessed with saving the planet.

These are really good people with some really good ideas or at the very minimum, a lot of energy and enthusiasm. Aspen Meadows Veterinary Hospital in Longmont, Colorado is in a building that is practically LEED. LED lighting, Dual flush toilets, recycled furniture, recycled office supplies (I'll take credit for that) and the whole nine yards. Very cool.

I was at the Denver Green Festival May 2 and 3, 2009 and was amazed by the exhibitors and the attendees. Thom Hartman, Van Jones, Laura Flanders and many many other spoke.
I gave and informational/comedy presentation called "All I need to know about Sustainability I learned in Kindergarten or from my Mother" which went over quite well. I also did a paper-making demonstration in the kids zone. If those crowds were any indication, we're on our way.
If you're not part of the solution, get outta the way! (I'm looking at you, Jim Inhofe)

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