Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Farewell to May and racing at Indy

A long weekend. Or at least long-er.

Thursday and Friday I was slammed. That’s what seems to happen when I drive. Lots and lots of work to do. It gives you great perspective. Heavy rests the head that wears the trucker’s cap. That part of the job is weighed heavily on lifting and also heavily on customer contact. What could be better? Problem solving with the Zen of hard work makes a day worth living. Solving problems on the run, really tests your mettle. So the best advice is: “Just keep walking.” Am I making any sense? I seem to be going on in something of a stream of consciousness or whatever you call it. Biggles’ head would be rocking back and forth as he stared at me in total fascination and confusion.

Friday, apparently Murphy’s Birthday. Challenges abound. All you can do, is all you can do. (Cliché much?)

Spent the weekend just kinda chillin’.
So did the weather.

Finished preparing my worm bins. Watched “Flow: for The Love of Water.” A documentary on global water rights which was chilling.
Tidied up around the house, primarily the balcony (which Janie has commandeered as her own personal toilet) while Collene and Jen went to Sunflower for supplies (back-bacon and bullets).
The Newlyweds came by for dinner and to watch Biggles Dad on the TV. TiVo and old video tapes.
On the Memorial Day holiday I watched Abraham-Hicks and tried to absorb what I could.
I’m learning my lessons of being-in-the-moment. My downstream story is: The world is a better place than today, people are becoming more and more enlightened and I’ve gotten thousands of them to start cleaning up the planet and our environment. Yummy food, not tainted by poisonous additives used to raise corporate profits. Living happily and healthily (are those even real words?).
Join me and my ilk. Jump into the stream and let’s go for a ride.

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