Friday, May 15, 2009

Hard Work

I just spent the day driving a Delivery (office products)/Pickup (recycling) Route. It's good to know how the other guys live. This way I'll never lose touch with the working man, or woman. When you give really good customer service, sometimes they want more. I had two different customers call with one of those, "I've got an emergency, do me first." situations.
Apparently, I can keep my head when all about me are losing their's. I just jumped into the flow and let it take me. First I delivered paper to someone who was out, then I had to go pick up a bunch of cardboard to recycle. Funny, their estimate was 15 or so broken down boxes. The Reality came back as "Holy Feces! That's a lot!" I spent 30 minutes or so loading the truck, burying the boxes I had to deliver. Sweet! It keeps you running, yeah. It keeps you running. Then another 30 minutes unloading. All this was for free, mind you.
At least it's out of the landfill, and on it's way to becoming something else, just like me.

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