Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The Master Plan for Earth Rescue and Rehabilitation

Baby steps.
I guess that's the plan for now. Even though I've been aware of the problems with our influence on the planet for a long time, I'm still learning what do do to help. Everyday's a new lesson. I used to think that man was a parasite on Earth, but we're more of a symbiot, so, give and take.

That's the reson I work for Pedro's Planet. We sell and deliver green office products to our customers and pick up their office recycling in the same trip. It doesn't seem like much, but by using the trucks in both directions, we save a butt load of fuel every year, fuel that doesn't get burned and turned into CO2. Plus trees (paper), and oil (plastics, toner cartridges), aluminun, etc.

So I'll just try to keep learning and keep passing on what I've learned. Knowledge is renewable power.

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