Saturday, May 23, 2009


It's kinda embarassing watching the former Vice-President (I didn't vote for him)running around doing whatever he can to try to affect "jury nullification". You can almost see him pissing his pants over it. That's the way these cowards operate. There's no other word for it.
Cowardice. Period.

"Sure it's repugnant and disgusting and completely against everything that this nation stands for but it got results.
Just because I kidnapped young babies (under one year old, or it's not effective. Oh, and by the way, it only works with blonde or redheaded babies.), and processed them through a Vita Health Master Juicer while they were still alive; smeared the resulting pulp all over my face and poured the juice over the Constitution, it was completely justified because it worked.
America has not been hit by an Asteroid (except those little teeny ones, but they don't count because I say so.) and I stand on my results.
Because I've learned the lessons of NINE-ELEVEN (patent pending).
Ooops, I just pissed myself, again. Mommy!"

Cowardice. No other word for it. Nice work Dick!

Here's an Idea. Set up a detention/gaming facility in Las Vegas. What happens in Gitmo stays in Gitmo.

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