Thursday, May 28, 2009

Here Kitty, Kitty...

I’ll say it again. Cowards. There’s no other word for it.

None of these idiots actually Believe that Sotomayor is a racist.
Not one of them.
And yet, they will sing that song at the top of their big ole white lungs because they don’t have the courage to tell the American people the truth. They don’t even particularly care if she’s a brown woman. (Remember Alberto Gonzales? She was a brown woman.) They just oppose anyone who they don’t have a 100% guarantee of how they are going to rule on any given case. You know, like Alito or Roberts, both of whom straight-up lied to congress during their confirmation hearings. Outrage anyone? Given her record, the chances that she will side with the right are about 50-50, but that’s not good enough for the Corporate He-Man Woman Haters Club. Activist Judge means, non-compliant.

BTW, Rove says lots of stupid people went to Yale. Name One! I dare you!

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